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English Spelling Check Questions and Answer part-1

General English

“Spelling Check”

In each of the following questions, find the correctly spelt word.

Q.(1)   Find the correctly spelt word.

1. Reannaisance
2. Renaissance
3. Rennaissance
4. Renaisance

Q.(2)  find the correctly spelt word.

 1. Recommandation
2. Recomendation
3. Recomandation
4. Recommendation

Q.(3)  find the correctly spelt word.

1. Sinchronize
2. Syycronise
3. Synchronize
4. Synchromise

Q.(4)  find the correctly spelt word.

 1.  Surveilance
2.  Surveillance
3.  Survellance
4. Survaillance

Q.(5)   find the correctly spelt word.

1. Guarantee
2. Garuntee
3. Gaurantee
4. Guaruntee

Q.(6)   find the correctly spelt word.

1. Delinquescent
2. Deliquescent
3. Deliquecent
4. Delinquesent

Q.(7)   find the correctly spelt word.

1. Equannimity
2. Equanimity
3. Equinimity
4. Equanimmity

Q.(8)   find the correctly spelt word.

1. Strategam
2. Stratagam
3. Strategem
4. Stratagem

Q.(9)   find the correctly spelt word.

1. Hindrence
2. Hindrance
3. Hinderence
4. Hinderance

Q.(10)  find the correctly spelt word.

 1. Quintessance
2. Quintesance
3. Quintessence
4. Quintassence

Q.(11)  find the correctly spelt word.

 1. Resplandance
2. Resplendence
3. Resplendance
4. Resplandense

Q.(12)   find the correctly spelt word.

1. Countenance
2. Countinence
3. Countinance
4. Countinence

 Q.(13)   find the correctly spelt word.

1. Sepulchral
2. Sepalchral
3. Sepalchrle
4. Sepulchrle

Q.(14) find the correctly spelt word.

 1. Incandiery
2. Incendiary
3. Incendiery
4. Incandiary

Q.(15)   find the correctly spelt word.

1. Lackdaisical
2. Lackdaisicle
3. Lackdaisical
4. Lackadaisical

Q.(16)  find the correctly spelt word. 

1. Aprentice
2. Apprentice
3. Aperentice
4. Apperentice

Q.(17)   find the correctly spelt word.

1. Sacrilegeous
2. Sacriligious
3. Sacrilegious
4. Sacreligious

Q.(18)  find the correctly spelt word.

 1. Inocculate
2. Innoculate
3. Inoculate
4. Innocculate

Q.(19) find the correctly spelt word.

 1. Etiquette                                           
2. Ettiquete
3. Etiquete
4. Ettiquette

Q.(20)   find the correctly spelt word.

1. Dansuese
2. Danseuse
3. Danseus
4. Densuace

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